Monday, February 26, 2018

南大设新研究院 探讨科技进步对社会的影响

南大设新研究院 探讨科技进步对社会的影响




名为南大科技与人文社会研究院(NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity)将探讨现今第四次工业革命(Fourth Industrial Revolution)所带来的科技革新会如何影响社会、文化与大众生活。



出生于印度、现有美国国籍的苏雷什原任美国卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)校长,曾由时任美国总统奥巴马提名为国家科学基金会会长,并获全球多所大学颁发荣誉博士学位。他今天在就职仪式上从教育部长(高等教育及技能)兼国防部第二部长王乙康手中接过南大校长的委任证书。

另外,苏雷什宣布南大将落实校长博士后奖学金计划(Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship),通过提供高薪、研究基金和研究指导,以吸引新进职场的研究员与科学家加入南大。

南大也将从今年开始举办两年一度的南大数码艺术奖(NTU Digital Arts Prize)国际比赛,奖励表现创意的艺术家与技术专家。


南大“创意之坊”开幕 设智能教室

南大“创意之坊”开幕 设智能教室


南洋理工大学的崭新学习大楼“创意之坊”(The Arc)正式开幕。高六层楼的学习楼设有56间智能教室。智能教室有LED屏幕、无线通讯用具与灵活的座位安排,以便进行"翻转教室",为学生提供一个更有互动性的学习空间。

南大近年来推动“翻转教室"(flipped classroom)教学概念,也就是让学生通过网上学习后再到课室进行讨论。

“创意之坊”是第二座为推行这个新颖教学法而建的学习大楼,第一座是2015年启用的“创意之室”(The Hive)。



靠近机械与宇航工程学院的“创意之坊”设有三维打印中心。大楼内也有多个温书角落和讨论室供学生使用。大楼设计着重于亲环境的节能元素,已达到绿色建筑标志白金水平(Green Mark Platinum)。













Saturday, February 3, 2018

First electric bicycle sharing scheme to begin trials

First electric bicycle sharing scheme in Singapore to begin trials on NTU campus

Nanyang Technological University students will be able to use the new Peugeot electric bicycles for free during the one-year trial.

Students and staff of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) will getto test Singapore's first electric bicycle sharing scheme, as shiny silver Peugeot bicycles pop up for use within the next three weeks.

The university teamed up with Free2Move, whose French parent Groupe PSA owns brands like Peugeot and Citroen, to roll out 20 Peugeot electric bicycles and two docking stations on the campus grounds.

NTU said in a press release on Friday (Feb 2) that the bicycles will be available for free during the one-year trial and have a maximum speed of 25kmh. They can be dropped anywhere on the campus or at docking stations, which charge the two-wheelers.

The bicycles aim to promote a healthy and environmentally-friendly method of "last-mile" transport around the large campus, said NTU.

With 400 watt-hour batteries that last 75km on a single charge, the bicycles add to the university's efforts in using electric vehicles.

In January, NTU launched a fully electric 22-seat shuttle that will ply between the campus and neighbouring CleanTech Park in a test run from the second half of the year.

Those who wish to use the bicycles can use a smartphone app developed by NTU and Groupe PSA's Business Lab to locate the bicycles nearest to them, as well as check their battery levels.

Called NTU Freetomove, the app will be ready for download within the next two weeks.

This project aims to assess why people use electric bicycles and their riding preferences, with the results determining both the number and locations of the docking stations.

More two-wheelers may be added to the fleet, depending on how well the programme is received by users.

Professor Lam Khin Yong, NTU's vice-president for research, said: "NTU's lush campus is not only a living lab for cutting-edge research but it also hosts a wide array of sustainable technologies ranging from building and construction, to mobility and transportation.

"Coupled with NTU's research strengths in sustainability and innovation, our partnership with Groupe PSA will not only develop greener mobility solutions but also support Singapore's drive towards becoming a car-lite society."

~News courtesy of Straits Times~